Spencer Murphy is a fine art and commercial photographer based in London. Best known for his portrait photography, in 2013 he won the National Portrait Gallery’s Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize, his work having been selected for the exhibition six times beforehand.

Spencer’s personal work is often concerned with the notion of the outsider; those who live an alternative, rebel lifestyle away from – or in spite of – our preconceptions of what is deemed to be normal.


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Spencer Murphy, a renowned photographer has decided to shine a light on this underground subculture of London.

Wether on bikes, quads or motorcycles these young rebels riding the streets of London, performing stunts and doing wheelies see this lifestyle as a form of self expression and escapism. Defying the authorities and the law of the road these guys are joined by an uncontrollable passion as a way of life understood by few.

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Spencer Murphy decides to explore this culture of bikers capturing a series of “Bike Life” scenes.

They often hide in the suburbs or industrial property where there are abandoned and unknown roads that can hide the noise of their engines and tyres.

Murphy’s portraits capture the style and attitude of a movement that is life or death for its followers, and its images are accompanied by a selection of quotes, giving us an insight into the minds of the book’s protagonists

On May 11, 2017, the Hoxton Mini Press publishes the book.

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Hoxton Mini Press is a small independent publisher in East London dedicated to bringing photobooks to a wider audience. They price affordably and cover accessible topics but still use beautiful paper. They believe that as the world goes online there is more need than ever for wonderful books to sit on well-polished shelves.

Please sign up to the Hoxton Mini Press newsletter at www.hoxtonminipress.com

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Urban Dirt Bikers Cover

