‘Vorrei Girare il Cielo Come le Rondini’ – a video by Rosa Lacavalla

«A sensation of lightness but at the same time of inconsistent heaviness in observing an infinite space such as the sky. The flakes of poplars fly like the thoughts that haunt us in these weeks. We entrust to heaven, and some to a god, our doubts, our uncertainties, our questions.
They fly like the swallows that bring a surreal spring, come to announce that we will no longer be the same. And upon their arrival, after more than a month waiting by our windows cause of the quarantine, we are pervaded by a sense of acceptance of our individual and human condition».

Our personal suggestions – words by Alice De Santis

The human being has always had the unconditional desire to fly, the unbridled desire to be able to escape and sail through the skies illuminated by the majestic sun beams. The feeling of freedom, the need for this freedom leads the human being to always feel trapped in something and envious of what he is unable to do. Even as children we look at birds with a dreamy and eager gaze, we surely envy them, and we always ask ourselves “who knows where they are going”, “who knows how they know which is the right way to go”.

But, especially in a delicate moment like the one we are experiencing, we have been realizing, thanks to the time, that we are able to fly too. Through the imagination of great men we are able to sail the seas with Captain Achab in search of the great white whale, we are able to fly on Howard Hughes’ airplanes and to live the past, the present and the future again. Through the imagination of others we are able to travel the world and therefore to fly away from our daily lives. Through dreams, instead, we are able to explore our most personal and intimate world and we can truly fly there, we can feel our wings and the wind on our face showing us the right way.

You don’t necessarily have to be a swallow to bring spring, you don’t have to be a hawk to dominate the skies but as Luis Sepúlveda used to say “Only those who dare may fly”.

Rosa Lacavalla’s bio

Documentary photographer based in Bologna, Italy. She joined various collective exhibitions and workshops in different countries. Her investigation focuses on small stories from everyday life, which are often an excuse to talk about something wider, but at the same time much more intimate, in the continuous search for nostalgic poetry.


Video Rosa Lacavalla
Music Hernan Paulitti