Paola Ristoldo in an Italian photographer, now based in London.

After the Bachelor’s degree in New Media of Art at the Academy of Fine Art in Venice in 2016, she obtained a Master’s degree in Photography and Visual Design at NABA Academy in Milan in 2017. Her personal research is actually based on the investigation of the perception of the nature and its relationship with the environment. Photography is a living thing and she uses it as an intent to collect impressions, thoughts and feelings. Mata Atlântica is her latest project

About ‘Mata Atlântica‘ – words by Paola Ristoldo:

The Atlantic Forest (Portuguese: Mata Atlântica) is the typical coastline rainforest, extremely various and unique in terms of biodiversity. This forest is a terrestrial biome that extends along the Atlantic coast of Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte state in the north to Rio Grande do Sul state in the south, and inland as far as Paraguay and the Misiones Province of Argentina. Therefore this photographic series is called “Mata Atlântica”. A visual story of the Southeast Brazil landscape, shot in 2018, in which the invasive and rich tropical vegetation fully intertwined with the building of the city generates a unique landscape.