It may have often happened also to you, to be transported to a sweet memory of the past by the sublime nuance of a perfume, the notes of a poignant song or the wrapping taste of a dish or an ingredient neglected for too long.

There must be a “chemistry of lost things”, we love to believe, that turns them into something memorable and compelling. Something that generates a unique and unrepeatable interaction between the magical box of our memory, our senses and the ingenious brilliance of the things of the world, whether they are natural or the result of human imagination. It is the secret of our sweetest remembrances and maybe the reason why we are more inclined to remember what we like, instead of people and things that we dislike.

And there should also be “a chemistry of creation.” Something that makes ideas and visions react one to each other, to bring to life something unexpected. It should be the very essence of what we call creativity, and that very often takes its origin from elements, colors, raw materials, and symbols that are part of our memory. It is a relatively controlled reaction between what is part of our past and what we encounter along our path of research, guided by the high tension of curiosity. This phenomenon takes us by surprise, conquering our attention in an instant as the iron combines with sulfur in iron sulfide or as the oxygen combines with another compound to form carbon dioxide and water in combustion.

It seems to be just a matter of chemistry. 

A project curated by: C41 Creative Production Company
Client: Nike

Featuring: Isabella Potì, Venerus
Photography: Alecio Ferrari

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