Nicola Carignani was born in Pietrasanta, Italy, in 1978.

He studied photography with Martin Parr and Nick Waplington, graduating in 1999 at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence. He founded and directed the contemporary art magazine Boiler from 2001 to 2004. Since 2000 he produced a vast amount of personal and commissioned work, collaborating with numerous international magazines and clients. In 2016 he published his first book, Obtainium, about a community of artists living in the Mojave Desert, California.

His love for experimentation, alternative lifestyles and his personal quest for the true meaning of spirituality pushed him to explore various sub-cultures, communities and leaders. In his works, he pursues progressive reflections on the themes of community, freedom of expression and the importance of silent observation.

About ‘Nothing Missing’ – words by Nicola Carignani:

Nothing Missing is an ongoing project, born in the desert island of Fuerteventura. Long hours of driving on my own, exploring its barren landscape, have brought me to these special places that had me wondering about the meaning of absence, presence, and how these apparent opposites end up colliding. The vastness and the silence of this landscapes brought me in a very meditative space, and i see these images as a representation of such realisations.