This is an unpublished project premiered today on C41 Magazine.

Marco Gehlhar was born in Munich, Germany. Raised from a German mother and an Italian father, he grew up between Florence and Berlin. For several years, driven by his strong passion, he has worked in the live music sector as an organiser and art director for a diverse range of festivals, performances and concerts. Meanwhile, he developed his own aesthetic vocabulary curating photographic exhibitions and working together with great photographers such as Kurt Markus and directors such as Nicolas Winding Refn. Today, he pursues his personal projects mainly focusing on topics such as religious faith and the eerie.

Stefania Zanetti was born in Trento, Italy. She studied Design, specializing with a Master in Eco-social Design, willing to combine her passion for projects with that of psychology. Today she lives Milano, working as a photographer freelance, teaching Photography for Design at NABA, and collaborating with magazines. She develops various personal projects mostly characterised by the research on human behaviour and emotions. “Eating Emotions” will be soon published as therapy support together with Infes: Forum Prevenzione in Bolzano. The set of photographic recipes aim to help who suffer from Eating Disorders, supporting self-awareness and pleasure.

Since they first met, having completely different personalities but similar principles, they opened up discourses developing them into a visual approach. Photography became for them an exercise, something similar to a language useful to open up new perspectives based on analog and digital observations.

About ‘Evoluzione In-forme’ – words by Stefano Solaro:

We found ourselves reflecting together while the pandemic COVID19 started spreading around Milan. It was the beginning of March: nobody was still clear about the precautions to employ. While the virus was threatening and quarantine was the promise, worried people moved by fear started robbing supermarkets until exploding. The new theatres of life, the houses, have been prepared for something that wasn’t correctly perceived nor codified. That’s when we started wondering…

We are prisoners, there is only one slit left. It goes through lips, teeth, tongue and becomes Greed. It swallows everything: organic materials, dead animals, fruits robbed from the trees, vegetables torn from the ground. It is the natural course of life, or so it seems. Human cells crave other cells, our organism calls for other organisms, it wants flora, demands fauna. All tiny single spheres or a whole immense sphere, which encompasses everything, expanding. But the infinite is not for us, and in its finitude mankind swallows, absorbs further, reproduces, overflows and lastly invades. The Stop falls silent and impetuous upon us. A new Ice Age runs us over, but it does not freeze, it kicks. We take a step back, then another and yet another one. The man withdraws, perceptions that do not belong to us begin to hit the new voids. We give up our space, we submit to biology, vitamins, antibodies. Moss proliferates under our soles, green microbes penetrate our locks, colonize our nest. We are now the breeding ground. Our surrender is the mirror for the return of everything that grows. The Earth recaptures the places of its memory, awaits a propitious shadow to chase evil, to uproot it. To ban us. Our parenthesis reabsorbs us as we turn our gaze towards the darkness of the cave. Holed up, we just have to feed on our nemesis. Meanwhile, the shore of that living thing called nature, pushes us further and further, more and more crushed, more and more harmless. In reply.