The series explores different aspects of our feelings and the way we confront ourselves in the mirror to see our true selves. The distortion of reality can play an important role in this. The perception of ourselves connects us directly with our way of seeing and being in the world. Sometimes can be painful if is is rooted in a negative motion creating discomfort with what we see in the mirror. This is an overwhelming world of social media full of images that leave our deepest fears and insecurities naked. Everyone is learning every day how to deal with this new era that is taking us further and further away from ourselves seeking a desire of acceptance.

Only we have the power to heal what has been damaged, see inside, and rise from the depths to a new brighter reality. This important journey requires acceptance and a raw honesty that can lead us to a deeper exploration of personal influences that shape who we are.

Marta Rubio is a Spanish photographer and artist based in Madrid. In the past years she has lived in different cities around the world: Madrid, London, New York and Tokyo. These places have contributed to enrich her work as well as her creative process. Over the past years she has collaborated with different brands and publications related to art, fashion and photography. Currently, she works mainly in the fashion industry, focused on sustainable projects that give her the opportunity to bring her artistic vision to each of them. Her photographic work is closely linked to timeless and quiet beauty, to the revelation of fleeting moments that go unnoticed and to the celebration of ordinary details.