This is an unpublished project premiered today on C41 Magazine.

Beatrice Salomone was born in Rome (Italy) in 1999. After she graduated from a scientific high school, she decided to follow her passion and she started attending a triennial degree in photography at Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA). Her area of interest gravitates towards fashion photography and long-term personal projects.

About Are we there yet? – words by Beatrice Salomone:

 “Are we there yet?” is a personal project about the process of growing up. When you are a kid, you can’t wait to become an adult, you are impatient to accomplish something, you want to rush it. But then, once you grew up, you’d like to slow down the time and live again those carefree childhood days, even if it’s just for one day.

This project is an attempt to go back in time and reconnect to the inner child that lives in all of us and to the harmony and freedom of childhood.