OLDER presents “ABSURD JOBS–a uniform case study”, a series of photos created by the photographic duo ICTM in collaboration with OLDER exploring extreme, fictional, and hypothetical work situations where uniforms play an essential role. The curiosity was ignited by the idea of making a visual left-turn from the classical ways uniforms often are depicted in photography and giving them a psychedelic and adventure-styled character, almost as if each photo was a level in a video game.

Faced with the traditional and conservative ways uniforms can be perceived, the ambition behind this series of artworks was to push the imagination on how uniforms intersect with life–art, sport, architecture, and sound. The exhibition marks the 2024 re-opening of the physical OLDER store in the NoLo area of Milan, in Via Policarpo Petrocchi, 21.

Accompanied with the exhibited photos, OLDER debuts with a series of new designs ranging from uniforms and apparel to industrial design and interior.

The exhibition is opening Thursday the 15th of February (6:00 PM–10:00 PM), while the store is re-opening from February 16th to 21st (11:00 AM–8:00 PM)